It’s a simple day on Facebook and most people don’t go there to get updated on news. We stay in touch with our family and friends, and if you’re like me, you like a good joke every once in a while.
But what does a simple day on Facebook actually look like? There is an annoying feature that Fact Checkers run and they’re not even necessary but we’re at that point in this world where they think they make that big of a contribution. The dummying down of society is what it is to me. But another way of looking at it is, the social media platform from the top down thinks you’re not smart enough to figure out the news on your own.
Some Karens probably complained about how satire and parody tricked them into thinking Kim Jong Un was actually voted sexiest man alive or that Taco Bell finally ran out of ideas for how to arrange the same ingredients into something new. Those kinds of headlines are a dead giveaway. If the headline itself is enough to make your blood boil, the story isn’t going to be true. That’s satire. It’s the fun part of life up there with pulling pranks and each other. But remember, they don’t think you’re smart enough to know the difference.
Here’s A Good Joke

But wait, you have to get past the warning! Covered by a note that says “False Information,” the official stamp makes the announcement, “Reviewed by third-party fact checkers.” Be thankful for that. We definitely don’t want first-party or second-party fact checkers checking our facts.
So, Facebook goes down the street to find some professional fact checkers who are going to check those facts the right way. They do their thorough research and they check all the angles that they possible can so when they put out their official report, it’s as factual as they can confirm.
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It’s Not A Hole

It comes complete with a second warning! Can’t be too careful these days.
Well, we should be so grateful because after watching the news story, we thought we had been hit by a cosmic event. They certainly made it seem like it and we weren’t smart enough to know the difference. It’s just an awful shame we need fact checkers to hold our hands and make sure that we know what’s true and what’s not.
The News Story
After seeing the hole, can’t you tell it’s not a meteor event? Even if Virgin Media News is completely stumped and buying into one man’s delusion, can’t you see that the hole is too small for something that fell out of the sky?
With speed behind it, that hole would have been much bigger if a crater actually made it. It also wouldn’t be that perfect around. It would have made a mess and I think there would have been more. A group of craters would have entered the atmosphere and pelted that beach. But what do I know? I’m not an expert on things falling out of the sky.
Here’s The Actual Joke
It’s a joke. People were pranked. Now, everyone can have a laugh and move on with their lives.
That is except for the fact checkers who have no sense of humor. They still have a job to do long after everyone’s stopped laughing. I just hope one day they get to enjoy a joke like the rest of us rather than have to write a report and destroy it for everyone else.