I don’t know why it took so long for Bikini Bull Riding to become a thing but I’m glad it’s here. Hats off to the ladies who know how to turn Bull Riding into something a little more special.
Of course, the bikini has sparked the curiosity of many young men over the years. It was a stroke of pure genius whoever came up with it. All women wanted to do was wear something cool and less restrictive on a hot summer day. Along comes someone who is out to kill two birds with one stone, cool the ladies down and make them look good doing it.
Bull riding, on the other hand, is a rugged sport that is normally done at the rodeo. A cowboy sits on top of a bull and when they let the gate open, all hell breaks loose because the last thing that bull wants is some tobacco-chewing, spur-wearing adrenaline junkie out to make a buck riding on his back. Somewhere along the line, another brilliant rockstar came along and invited the game inside. Of course, they couldn’t use a real bull. So, they made a mechanical one, and rodeo dreamers have been having their way with it ever since.
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Now, put “Bikini” and “Bull Riding” together and you have created the perfect fantasy from some young cowboys as well as a few other men across this great country. And I just want to take the time to let the ladies know that I truly appreciate them and everything they do.
They know the bull is going to be hard to ride. They also know that men like looking at ladies in bikinis. That’s what’s so purely good about this new budding sport. They are fully aware of all these things and they ride the bull with smiles on their faces, happy to do it.
It should be an Olympic Sport. If they can add Break Dancing to the list of events, I want to see Bikini Bull Riding on that list next.