Geraldo Story About Larry David Severely Backfires

Larry David

Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusiasm came to an end after 12 seasons the other night and for some reason, Geraldo didn’t waste any time trying to discredit the television icon. It didn’t work out that great for the mustached journalist and political commentator who has continued to find a way to get bad attention over the years.

Geraldo felt the need to share his story about Larry David snubbing him at a Martha’s Vineyard party for Alan Dershowitz. In a scene that would have been perfect for Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry ducked behind people and scooted around tables to avoid the reporter chasing after him. It would have been great if it was caught on camera and everyone could watch the scene now.

Then as if a second thought had occurred to him, Geraldo remembered a little bit more about Larry David. A celebrity can act too big to remember a small moment in their career, but I sincerely doubt Rivera actually forgot being directed by Larry David on a Seinfeld episode.

For nearly anyone else, comments might have been more sensitive about the situation. That’s pretty embarrassing to go through that and to share it with the world on social media takes a lot of courage. Most people would have had sympathizers holding their hand and letting them know that everything’s going to be alright. But Rivera doesn’t have it like that. The X world doesn’t have much sympathy for him.

Of course, it was an isolated incident and Rivera thinks Larry should have stuck around to greet him simply because of his celebrity status. That’s what entitlement actually looks like. But there are plenty of stories that show a completely different side of Larry. It appears he can be a good guy when he wants to be. He just doesn’t have to cater to people he doesn’t like.

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Do you think Larry took some time to reflect on his actions and how he treated the journalist who’s been all around the world making haters everywhere? What most likely happened is Larry sat back and had a laugh that Rivera would want to share this story or it’s possible he didn’t even care enough to even read it.

There are many reasons not to like Rivera. One of them would definitely be the sexual harassment claim that Better Midler made against him in the 90s. Of course, no one was listening then and that’s why the Me Too movement was so effective at waking people up even though Rivera has never met with any consequences for his actions.

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Of course, there is the other side of his abrasive nature. Before it was a news story to inflate the facts and twist the truth to fit a narrative, Rivera was always trying to be a part of the story and hype it up as far as he could. In 2003, he was covering the Iraq War and he reported his position on live television. It led to him being asked to leave the area on his own before catching any charges.

In 2005, he was covering Hurricane Katrina and it’s reported that he pushed an Airman out of the way so that he could be in the shot when a woman was carried to safety. He couldn’t just cover the story. He had to try to be part of the story somehow and one such story blew up in his face. It’s his coverage of the reveal of what was supposed to be in Al Capone’s vault. It turned out to be nothing but Rivera was betting his life on a huge story that just didn’t happen.

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He doesn’t have that many fans on his social media when compared to other celebrities of his stature. But he does draw attention from personalities with way more star power than him. For Geraldo, that’s not always such a good thing and his clap back shows that he doesn’t have a problem keeping it low.

The attack on Larry David’s show and character is just another one of his attempts to steal thunder when someone else is getting attention. When that’s the case, a celebrity can take the high road and keep it classy or they can stoop pretty low to take shots at others. It’s just too bad for him, we know which way he’s going to go when the lights are on someone else.