When Facebook members started complaining about their privacy and Mark Zuckerberg was called to testify before a Congressional committee, I thought then that we had gone and lost our minds. But these Community Standards keep reaching new levels and it has absurdity written all over it.
Let’s first talk about the age restriction that is in place on Facebook. A member has to be at least 13 years old to legally have an account. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t 12-year-olds running around posting about middle school and what kicks they bought at Forever 21. I’m just saying they’re not supposed to be on there.
Regardless of where you stand on the mentality of a 13-year-old, most of us are supposed to be adults. We shouldn’t need our hands held and our precious little hearts protected from the bad things. I personally think it’s all manipulation but what do I know?
To dive into why I’ve gathered us all here, I was watching Season 2 of Based on a True Story the other night with Kaley Cuoco and I started getting into it when I realized how fun the first season was. It took me getting to Episode 2 for that to happen because Episode 1 was basically a cleanup of remnants from the Season 1 finale and a setup of what was to come.
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The good feeling of the series kicks in when a villain shows up, which in this show is ironic because there’s a villain the entire time. But that’s the dynamic of the show. Matt Pierce is an actual bad guy. He’s a serial killer. But he’s not the bad guy we’re looking for because we’ve learned to like him a little bit.
Christa becomes the villain when she fires Nathan for parking his Jeep in front of her mansion. But he fights his way back into being her son’s tennis coach and that’s when Matt meets her. So while Jaden has a match to win and Nathan has to make sure he wins it, Matt and Christa go off together making Nathan sweat about it the entire time.
Is she going to die? Is he going to kill her? Matt has been working so hard to keep himself from killing, he’s even been going to AA to talk about his addiction and work through the steps that make sense to him. So, Nathan doesn’t know if Christa is going to come back alive and he worries the entire time.
When Jaden wins his match, she runs up to him and that mystery is solved. Matt didn’t go through with it. AA must be working for him. Then, he delivered a line that had me rolling. I had to post about it.
This is where I get to the point in all this. Do you believe I got hit with a Community Standard warning? It didn’t say that I couldn’t post this funny line from the show. It asked me to reconsider before I did.
If Facebook determines that my post is about violence or that it incites violence, my account privileges could be restricted. In other words, I could be sent to Facebook jail.
Obviously, I posted it anyway. If a human with common sense looks at the post, they would know it’s not about violence. If I got put in lock-up over it, why would I want to be a part of such an anal community?
I don’t know who the Community Standards are there to protect. Remember that time when people could write whatever they wanted to write and it was up to the reader to determine how they felt about it? It was like we were trusted to be adults because we were adults and we were responsible for our own thoughts and actions.
But the dummying down of society is being propelled forward by these protective measures of a social media platform that thinks of itself as so righteous that it holds the key to what is acceptable and not acceptable. It actually places itself so high on its own pedestal that it has elected itself as the judge, jury, and executioner. You no longer have to think for yourself. It will do all that for you.