It was Season 8 Episode 10 of Castle when Nathan Fillion was supposed to testify in an open and shut case. Castle thought he could identify the murderer but he was seriously rattled by the defense attorney who came prepared and threw everything he had. What’s bad about it is Castle had good ammunition to fire back if he had only thought on his toes.
Castle was normally good on his feet. He was quick when he was put to the test but not this time. As Detective Beckett watched from the audience, Attorney Caleb Brown put Castle through the grinder. The attorney started off in a nice voice as he said he wasn’t going to take up too much of the court’s time. But things turned on Castle real quick.
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He had seen the defendant stabbing the victim. What could be clearer than that?
Brown had a few tricks up his sleeve. He brought up the time when Castle suffered from memory loss because he had his memories erased to save the world. Then, Brown went into Castle’s own words from his book about how an eyewitness isn’t always reliable. That was a huge blow. But he wasn’t done yet. The defense attorney finished the rattled author off with a final jab about 3XK framing him for murder, which should make him sympathetic to the defense.
Nathan Fillion On The Stand
It’s easy to get rattled, especially when the defense attorney comes off the desk with ammunition that is that explosive. Castle couldn’t even think straight. Nathan Fillion played that part very well as he swallowed hard and looked inside his head for answers. It was an amazing performance and obviously, it was written that way for a reason because the story gives Castle and Beckett enough time to figure out what really happened.
If he had only been a little quicker on his feet though, it would’ve been a slamdunk case. First of all, when Brown attacked his own words about eyewitnesses, that was actually a mistake. Castle could have easily fired back that he is not the average eyewitness. People normally don’t like to toot their own horns but he’s never had a problem doing that. He could have easily explained that he’s solved hundreds of cases with the NYPD and his observational skills are higher than average.
He would have been right and Brown would have had to redirect. When he talked about 3XK, that could have been another slamdunk for Castle but he missed his shot. A serial killer who was very skilled at planning ahead set Castle up to look like a murderer. That was absolutely not the case with the defendant on trial that day. There wasn’t a deeply thought-out trail of evidence from a fake story on his computer to fake emails about an affair and all the other details that were involved. A girl was witnessed stabbing another girl and that witness was the expert NYPD consultant, author Richard Castle. Big difference between the two.
Castle is a fictitious world so we can’t expect anything to go our way. But in my fictitious world of that fictitious world, I wouldn’t have buckled like that under Brown’s attack. I would have fired back with my own ammunition. Glad I wasn’t there. The wrong person would have gone to prison.